Some sequence spaces and almost boundedness
In this paper we introduce a new concept of -strong convergence with respect to an Orlicz function and examine some properties of the resulting sequence spaces. It is also shown that if a sequence is -strongly convergent with respect to an Orlicz function then it is -statistically convergent.
The main object of this paper is to introduce and study some sequence spaces which arise from the notation of generalized de la Vallée–Poussin means and the concept of a modulus function.
We introduce certain spaces of sequences which can be used to characterize spaces of functions of exponential type. We present a generalized version of the sampling theorem and a "nonorthogonal wavelet decomposition" for the elements of these spaces of sequences. In particular, we obtain a discrete version of the so-called φ-transform studied in [6] [8]. We also show how these new spaces and the corresponding decompositions can be used to study multiplier operators on Besov spaces.
We will show that for each sequence of quasinormable Fréchet spaces there is a Köthe space λ such that and there are exact sequences of the form . If, for a fixed ℕ, is nuclear or a Köthe sequence space, the resolution above may be reduced to a short exact sequence of the form . The result has some applications in the theory of the functor in various categories of Fréchet spaces by providing a substitute for non-existing projective resolutions.