Every nilpotent operator fails to determine the complete norm topology.
We show that every separable complex L₁-predual space X is contractively complemented in the CAR-algebra. As an application we deduce that the open unit ball of X is a bounded homogeneous symmetric domain.
It follows from our earlier results [Israel J. Math., to appear] that in the Gurariy space G every finite-dimensional smooth subspace is contained in a bigger smooth subspace. We show that this property does not characterise the Gurariy space among Lindenstrauss spaces and we provide various examples to show that C(K) spaces do not have this property.
In this manuscript we find another class of real Banach spaces which admit vector-valued Banach limits different from the classes found in [6, 7]. We also characterize the separating subsets of ℓ∞(X). For this we first need to study when the space of almost convergent sequences is closed in the space of bounded sequences, which turns out to happen only when the underlying space is complete. Finally, a study on the extremal structure of the set of vector-valued Banach limits is conducted when the...
A Banach space X is said to be an extremely non-complex space if the norm equality ∥Id +T 2∥ = 1+∥T 2∥ holds for every bounded linear operator T on X. We show that every extremely non-complex Banach space has positive numerical index, it does not have an unconditional basis and that the infimum of diameters of the slices of its unit ball is positive.