Subspaces of the Bourgain-Delbaen space
It is shown that every infinite-dimensional closed subspace of the Bourgain-Delbaen space has a subspace isomorphic to some .
It is shown that every infinite-dimensional closed subspace of the Bourgain-Delbaen space has a subspace isomorphic to some .
We answer two open questions concerning the recently introduced notions of slicely countably determined (SCD) sets and SCD operators in Banach spaces. An application to narrow operators in spaces with the Daugavet property is given.
Support functionals in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces endowed with the Luxemburg norm are completely characterized. An explicit formula for regular support functionals is given. For obtaining a characterization of singular support functionals a generalized Banach limit is applied. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for smooothness of these spaces are given, too.