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Rademacher functions in BMO

Sergey V. Astashkin, Mikhail Leibov, Lech Maligranda (2011)

Studia Mathematica

The Rademacher sums are investigated in the BMO space on [0,1]. They span an uncomplemented subspace, in contrast to the dyadic B M O d space on [0,1], where they span a complemented subspace isomorphic to l₂. Moreover, structural properties of infinite-dimensional closed subspaces of the span of the Rademacher functions in BMO are studied and an analog of the Kadec-Pełczyński type alternative with l₂ and c₀ spaces is proved.

Rademacher functions in Cesàro type spaces

Sergei V. Astashkin, Lech Maligranda (2010)

Studia Mathematica

The Rademacher sums are investigated in the Cesàro spaces C e s p (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) and in the weighted Korenblyum-Kreĭn-Levin spaces K p , w on [0,1]. They span l₂ space in C e s p for any 1 ≤ p < ∞ and in K p , w if and only if the weight w is larger than t l o g p / 2 ( 2 / t ) on (0,1). Moreover, the span of the Rademachers is not complemented in C e s p for any 1 ≤ p < ∞ or in K 1 , w for any quasi-concave weight w. In the case when p > 1 and when w is such that the span of the Rademacher functions is isomorphic to l₂, this span is a complemented...

Rademacher functions in weighted Cesàro spaces

Javier Carrillo-Alanís (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We study the behaviour of the Rademacher functions in the weighted Cesàro spaces Ces(ω,p), for ω(x) a weight and 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. In particular, the case when the Rademacher functions generate in Ces(ω,p) a closed linear subspace isomorphic to ℓ² is considered.

Random fixed points for a certain class of asymptotically regular mappings

Balwant Singh Thakur, Jong Soo Jung, Daya Ram Sahu, Yeol Je Cho (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

Let (Ω, σ) be a measurable space and K a nonempty bounded closed convex separable subset of a p-uniformly convex Banach space E for p > 1. We prove a random fixed point theorem for a class of mappings T:Ω×K ∪ K satisfying the condition: For each x, y ∈ K, ω ∈ Ω and integer n ≥ 1, ⃦Tⁿ(ω,x) - Tⁿ(ω,y) ⃦ ≤ aₙ(ω)· ⃦x - y ⃦ + bₙ(ω) ⃦x -Tⁿ(ω,x) ⃦ + ⃦y - Tⁿ(ω,y) ⃦ + cₙ(ω) ⃦x - Tⁿ(ω,y) ⃦ + ⃦y - Tⁿ(ω,x) ⃦, where aₙ, bₙ, cₙ: Ω → [0, ∞) are functions satisfying certain conditions and Tⁿ(ω,x) is the value...

Rank α operators on the space C(T,X)

Dumitru Popa (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For 0 ≤ α < 1, an operator U ∈ L(X,Y) is called a rank α operator if x τ α x implies Uxₙ → Ux in norm. We give some results on rank α operators, including an interpolation result and a characterization of rank α operators U: C(T,X) → Y in terms of their representing measures.

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