Approximate and weak amenability of certain Banach algebras
The notions of approximate amenability and weak amenability in Banach algebras are formally stronger than that of approximate weak amenability. We demonstrate an example confirming that approximate weak amenability is indeed actually weaker than either approximate or weak amenability themselves. As a consequence, we examine the (failure of) approximate amenability for -sums of finite-dimensional normed algebras.
Approximate biflatness and Johnson pseudo-contractibility of some Banach algebras
We study the structure of Lipschitz algebras under the notions of approximate biflatness and Johnson pseudo-contractibility. We show that for a compact metric space , the Lipschitz algebras and are approximately biflat if and only if is finite, provided that . We give a necessary and sufficient condition that a vector-valued Lipschitz algebras is Johnson pseudo-contractible. We also show that some triangular Banach algebras are not approximately biflat.
Approximate point joint spectra and multiplicative functionals
Arens regularity of module actions
We study the Arens regularity of module actions of Banach left or right modules over Banach algebras. We prove that if has a brai (blai), then the right (left) module action of on * is Arens regular if and only if is reflexive. We find that Arens regularity is implied by the factorization of * or ** when is a left or a right ideal in **. The Arens regularity and strong irregularity of are related to those of the module actions of on the nth dual of . Banach algebras for which Z( **) = but are...
Arens Semi-Regular Banach Algebras.