-convexity and best approximation.
We characterize surjective nonlinear maps Φ between unital C*-algebras 𝒜 and ℬ that satisfy w(Φ(A)-Φ(B))) = w(A-B) for all A,B ∈ 𝒜 under a mild condition that Φ(I) - Φ(0) belongs to the center of ℬ, where w(A) is the numerical radius of A and I is the unit of 𝒜.
We study the measure of non-compactness of operators between abstract real interpolation spaces. We prove an estimate of this measure, depending on the fundamental function of the space. An application to the spectral theory of linear operators is presented.
Logarithmic convexity of a measure of weak noncompactness for bounded linear operators under Calderón’s complex interpolation is proved. This is a quantitative version for weakly noncompact operators of the following: if T: A₀ → B₀ or T: A₁ → B₁ is weakly compact, then so is for all 0 < θ < 1, where and are interpolation spaces with respect to the pairs (A₀,A₁) and (B₀,B₁). Some formulae for this measure and relations to other quantities measuring weak noncompactness are established.
Sufficient conditions for normal structure of a Banach space are given. One of them implies reflexivity for Banach spaces with an unconditional basis, and also for Banach lattices.