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Examples of bifurcation of periodic solutions to variational inequalities in κ

Milan Kučera (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A bifurcation problem for variational inequalities U ( t ) K , ( U ˙ ( t ) - B λ U ( t ) - G ( λ , U ( t ) ) , Z - U ( t ) ) 0 for all Z K , a.a. t 0 is studied, where K is a closed convex cone in κ , κ 3 , B λ is a κ × κ matrix, G is a small perturbation, λ a real parameter. The main goal of the paper is to simplify the assumptions of the abstract results concerning the existence of a bifurcation of periodic solutions developed in the previous paper and to give examples in more than three dimensional case.

Existence and boundedness of minimizers of a class of integral functionals

A. Mercaldo (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In this paper we consider a class of integral functionals whose integrand satisfies growth conditions of the type f ( x , η , ξ ) a ( x ) | ξ | p ( 1 + | η | ) α - b 1 ( x ) | η | β 1 - g 1 ( x ) , f ( x , η , 0 ) b 2 ( x ) | η | β 2 + g 2 ( x ) , where 0 α < p , 1 β 1 < p , 0 β 2 < p , α + β i p , a x , b i x , g i x ( i = 1 , 2 ) are nonnegative functions satisfying suitable summability assumptions. We prove the existence and boundedness of minimizers of such a functional in the class of functions belonging to the weighted Sobolev space W 1 , p a , which assume a boundary datum u 0 W 1 , p a L Ω .

Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of damped vibration problems with impulsive effects

Jianwen Zhou, Yongkun Li (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Some sufficient conditions on the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the damped vibration problems with impulsive effects ⎧ u”(t) + g(t)u’(t) + f(t,u(t)) = 0, a.e. t ∈ [0,T ⎨ u(0) = u(T) = 0 ⎩ Δ u ' ( t j ) = u ' ( t j - u ' ( t ¯ j ) = I j ( u ( t j ) ) , j = 1,...,p, are established, where t = 0 < t < < t p < t p + 1 = T , g ∈ L¹(0,T;ℝ), f: [0,T] × ℝ → ℝ is continuous, and I j : , j = 1,...,p, are continuous. The solutions are sought by means of the Lax-Milgram theorem and some critical point theorems. Finally, two examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of our results....

Existence and regularity of minimizers of nonconvex integrals with p-q growth

Pietro Celada, Giovanni Cupini, Marcello Guidorzi (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We show that local minimizers of functionals of the form Ω f ( D u ( x ) ) + g ( x , u ( x ) ) d x u u 0 + W 0 1 , p ( Ω ) , are locally Lipschitz continuous provided f is a convex function with p - q growth satisfying a condition of qualified convexity at infinity and g is Lipschitz continuous in u. As a consequence of this, we obtain an existence result for a related nonconvex functional.

Existence and uniqueness for dynamical unilateral contact with Coulomb friction : a model problem

Patrick Ballard, Stéphanie Basseville (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A simple dynamical problem involving unilateral contact and dry friction of Coulomb type is considered as an archetype. We are concerned with the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the system with Cauchy data. In the frictionless case, it is known [Schatzman, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Methods Appl. 2 (1978) 355–373] that pathologies of non-uniqueness can exist, even if all the data are of class C . However, uniqueness is recovered provided that the data are analytic [Ballard, Arch. Rational Mech....

Existence and uniqueness for dynamical unilateral contact with Coulomb friction: a model problem

Patrick Ballard, Stéphanie Basseville (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A simple dynamical problem involving unilateral contact and dry friction of Coulomb type is considered as an archetype. We are concerned with the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the system with Cauchy data. In the frictionless case, it is known [Schatzman, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Methods Appl.2 (1978) 355–373] that pathologies of non-uniqueness can exist, even if all the data are of class C∞. However, uniqueness is recovered provided that the data are analytic [Ballard, Arch. Rational...

Currently displaying 681 – 700 of 2373