Existence theorems for generalized distance on complete metric spaces.
We present two existence results for the Dirichlet elliptic inclusion with an upper semicontinuous multivalued right-hand side in exponential-type Orlicz spaces involving a vector Laplacian, subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions on a domain Ω⊂ ℝ². The first result is obtained via the multivalued version of the Leray-Schauder principle together with the Nakano-Dieudonné sequential weak compactness criterion. The second result is obtained by using the nonsmooth variational technique together with...
We prove the existence of a partially regular solution for a system of degenerate variational inequalities with natural growth.
In this work, we communicate the topic of complex Lie algebroids based on the extended fractional calculus of variations in the complex plane. The complexified Euler-Lagrange geodesics and Wong's fractional equations are derived. Many interesting consequences are explored.
Here we present an approximation method for a rather broad class of first order variational problems in spaces of piece-wise constant functions over triangulations of the base domain. The convergence of the method is based on an inequality involving norms obtained by Nečas and on the general framework of Γ-convergence theory.