Displaying 841 – 860 of 864

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Symplectic torus actions with coisotropic principal orbits

Johannes Jisse Duistermaat, Alvaro Pelayo (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we completely classify symplectic actions of a torus T on a compact connected symplectic manifold ( M , σ ) when some, hence every, principal orbit is a coisotropic submanifold of ( M , σ ) . That is, we construct an explicit model, defined in terms of certain invariants, of the manifold, the torus action and the symplectic form. The invariants are invariants of the topology of the manifold, of the torus action, or of the symplectic form.In order to deal with symplectic actions which are not Hamiltonian,...

Symplectic twistor operator and its solution space on 2

Marie Dostálová, Petr Somberg (2013)

Archivum Mathematicum

We introduce the symplectic twistor operator T s in symplectic spin geometry of real dimension two, as a symplectic analogue of the Dolbeault operator in complex spin geometry of complex dimension 1. Based on the techniques of the metaplectic Howe duality and algebraic Weyl algebra, we compute the space of its solutions on 2 .

Systèmes hamiltoniens k-symplectiques.

Azzouz Awane, Mohamed Belam, Sadik Fikri, Mohammed Lahmouz, Bouchra Naanani (2002)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study some properties of the k-symplectic Hamiltonian systems in analogy with the well-known classical Hamiltonian systems. The integrability of k-symplectic Hamiltonian systems and the relationships with the Nambu's statistical mechanics are given.

Systems of rays in the presence of distribution of hyperplanes

S. Janeczko (1995)

Banach Center Publications

Horizontal systems of rays arise in the study of integral curves of Hamiltonian systems v H on T*X, which are tangent to a given distribution V of hyperplanes on X. We investigate the local properties of systems of rays for general pairs (H,V) as well as for Hamiltonians H such that the corresponding Hamiltonian vector fields v H are horizontal with respect to V. As an example we explicitly calculate the space of horizontal geodesics and the corresponding systems of rays for the canonical distribution...

Currently displaying 841 – 860 of 864