Displaying 121 – 140 of 182

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Affine maximal hypersurfaces

An-Min Li, Fang Jia (2005)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is part of the autumn school on "Variational problems and higher order PDEs for affine hypersurfaces". We discuss affine Bernstein problems and complete constant mean curvature surfaces in equiaffine differential geometry.

Affine surfaces with parallel shape operators

Włodzimierz Jelonek (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study affine nondegenerate Blaschke hypersurfaces whose shape operators are parallel with respect to the induced Blaschke connections. We classify such surfaces and thus give an exact classification of extremal locally symmetric surfaces, first described by F. Dillen.

Affinely invariant symmetry sets

Peter Giblin (2008)

Banach Center Publications

The classical medial axis and symmetry set of a smooth simple plane curve M, depending as they do on circles bitangent to M, are invariant under euclidean transformations. This article surveys the various ways in which the construction has been adapted to be invariant under affine transformations. They include affine distance and area constructions, and also the 'centre symmetry set' which generalizes central symmetry. A connexion is also made with the tricentre set of a convex plane curve, which...

Algebraic aspects of web geometry

Maks A. Akivis, Vladislav V. Goldberg (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Algebraic aspects of web geometry, namely its connections with the quasigroup and loop theory, the theory of local differential quasigroups and loops, and the theory of local algebras are discussed.

Algebraic representation formulas for null curves in Sl(2,ℂ)

Hubert Gollek (2005)

Banach Center Publications

We study curves in Sl(2,ℂ) whose tangent vectors have vanishing length with respect to the biinvariant conformal metric induced by the Killing form, so-called null curves. We establish differential invariants of them that resemble infinitesimal arc length, curvature and torsion of ordinary curves in Euclidean 3-space. We discuss various differential-algebraic representation formulas for null curves. One of them, a modification of the Bianchi-Small formula, gives an Sl(2,ℂ)-equivariant bijection...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 182