Displaying 21 – 40 of 1011

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A continuum X such that C ( X ) is not continuously homogeneous

Alejandro Illanes (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A metric continuum X is said to be continuously homogeneous provided that for every two points p , q X there exists a continuous surjective function f : X X such that f ( p ) = q . Answering a question by W.J. Charatonik and Z. Garncarek, in this paper we show a continuum X such that the hyperspace of subcontinua of X , C ( X ) , is not continuously homogeneous.

A Corson compact L-space from a Suslin tree

Peter Nyikos (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The completion of a Suslin tree is shown to be a consistent example of a Corson compact L-space when endowed with the coarse wedge topology. The example has the further properties of being zero-dimensional and monotonically normal.

A generalization of boundedly compact metric spaces

Gerald Beer, Anna Di Concilio (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A metric space X , d is called a UC space provided each continuous function on X into a metric target space is uniformly continuous. We introduce a class of metric spaces that play, relative to the boundedly compact metric spaces, the same role that UC spaces play relative to the compact metric spaces.

A generalization of Čech-complete spaces and Lindelöf Σ -spaces

Aleksander V. Arhangel'skii (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The class of s -spaces is studied in detail. It includes, in particular, all Čech-complete spaces, Lindelöf p -spaces, metrizable spaces with the weight 2 ω , but countable non-metrizable spaces and some metrizable spaces are not in it. It is shown that s -spaces are in a duality with Lindelöf Σ -spaces: X is an s -space if and only if some (every) remainder of X in a compactification is a Lindelöf Σ -space [Arhangel’skii A.V., Remainders of metrizable and close to metrizable spaces, Fund. Math. 220 (2013),...

A hit-and-miss topology for 2 X , Cₙ(X) and Fₙ(X)

Benjamín Espinoza, Verónica Martínez-de-la-Vega, Jorge M. Martínez-Montejano (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A hit-and-miss topology ( τ H M ) is defined for the hyperspaces 2 X , Cₙ(X) and Fₙ(X) of a continuum X. We study the relationship between τ H M and the Vietoris topology and we find conditions on X for which these topologies are equivalent.

A nice class extracted from C p -theory

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study systematically a class of spaces introduced by Sokolov and call them Sokolov spaces. Their importance can be seen from the fact that every Corson compact space is a Sokolov space. We show that every Sokolov space is collectionwise normal, ω -stable and ω -monolithic. It is also established that any Sokolov compact space X is Fréchet-Urysohn and the space C p ( X ) is Lindelöf. We prove that any Sokolov space with a G δ -diagonal has a countable network and obtain some cardinality restrictions on subsets...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 1011