Continuous monotone decompositions of planar curves
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54C10, 54D15, 54G12.For given completely regular topological spaces X and Y, there is a completely regular space X ~⊗ Y such that for any completely regular space Z a mapping f : X × Y ⊗ Z is separately continuous if and only if f : X ~⊗ Y→ Z is continuous. We prove a necessary condition of normality, a sufficient condition of collectionwise normality, and a criterion of normality of the products X ~⊗ Y in the case when at least one factor is scattered.
We consider the class of decreasing (G) spaces introduced by Collins and Roscoe and address the question as to whether it coincides with the class of decreasing (A) spaces. We provide a partial solution to this problem (the answer is yes for homogeneous spaces). We also express decreasing (G) as a monotone normality type condition and explore the preservation of decreasing (G) type properties under closed maps. The corresponding results for decreasing (A) spaces are unknown.
In 2008 Juhász and Szentmiklóssy established that for every compact space there exists a discrete with . We generalize this result in two directions: the first one is to prove that the same holds for any Lindelöf -space and hence is -separable. We give an example of a countably compact space such that is not -separable. On the other hand, we show that for any Lindelöf -space there exists a discrete subset such that ; in particular, the diagonal is a retract of and the projection...
Continuing studies on 2-to-1 maps onto indecomposable continua having only arcs as proper non-degenerate subcontinua - called here arc-continua - we drop the hypothesis of tree-likeness, and we get some conditions on the arc-continuum image that force any 2-to-1 map to be a local homeomorphism. We show that any 2-to-1 map from a continuum onto a local Cantor bundle Y is either a local homeomorphism or a retraction if Y is orientable, and that it is a local homeomorphism if Y is not orientable.