On Baire approximations of normal integrands
A.V. Arkhangel’skii asked that, is it true that every space of countable tightness is homeomorphic to a subspace (to a closed subspace) of where is Lindelöf? denotes the space of all continuous real-valued functions on a space with the topology of pointwise convergence. In this note we show that the two arrows space is a counterexample for the problem by showing that every separable compact linearly ordered topological space is second countable if it is homeomorphic to a subspace of ...
For and open in , let be the ring of real valued functions on with the first derivatives continuous. It is shown that for there is with and with . The function and its derivatives are not assumed to be bounded on . The function is constructed using splines based on the Mollifier function. Some consequences about the ring are deduced from this, in particular that .
In this note we study the relation between -spaces and -spaces and prove that a -space with a -hereditarily closure-preserving -network consisting of compact subsets is a -space, and that a -space with a point-countable -network consisting of compact subsets need not be a -space.
Let be the ring of real-valued continuous functions on a frame . The aim of this paper is to study the relation between minimality of ideals of and the set of all zero sets in determined by elements of . To do this, the concepts of coz-disjointness, coz-spatiality and coz-density are introduced. In the case of a coz-dense frame , it is proved that the -ring is isomorphic to the -ring of all real continuous functions on the topological space . Finally, a one-one correspondence is...
For a completely regular space X, C*(X) denotes the algebra of all bounded real-valued continuous functions over X. We consider the topology of uniform convergence over C*(X).When K is a compact space, the Stone-Weierstrass and Kakutani-Stone theorems provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which a function f ∈ C*(K) can be uniformly approximated by members of an algebra, lattice or vector lattice of C*(K). In this way, the uniform closure and, in particular, the uniform density of algebras...
It is proved that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) f is an almost everywhere continuous function on ; (b) f = g + h, where g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on ; (c) f = c + gh, where c ∈ ℝ and g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on .
Let I ⊆ P(ω) be an ideal. We continue our investigation of the class of spaces with the I-ideal convergence property, denoted (I). We show that if I is an analytic, non-countably generated P-ideal then (I) ⊆ s₀. If in addition I is non-pathological and not isomorphic to , then (I) spaces have measure zero. We also present a characterization of the (I) spaces using clopen covers.
In the paper we obtain several characteristics of pre- of strongly preirresolute topological vector spaces and show that the extreme point of a convex subset of a strongly preirresolute topological vector space lies on the boundary.