An Equivariant Extension Theorem and G-Retracts with a Finite Structure.
This work provides an evaluating complete description of positive homomorphisms on an arbitrary algebra of real-valued functions.
It is shown that a certain indecomposable chainable continuum is the domain of an exactly two-to-one continuous map. This answers a question of Jo W. Heath.
Confluence of a mapping between topological spaces can be defined by several ways. J.J. Charatonik asked if two definitions of the confluence using the components and quasi-components are equivalent for surjective mappings with compact point inverses. We give the negative answer to this question in Example 2.1.
We show that all continuous maps of a space onto second countable spaces are pseudo-open if and only if every discrete family of nonempty -subsets of is finite. We also prove under CH that there exists a dense subspace of the real line , such that every continuous map of is almost injective and cannot be represented as , where is compact and is countable. This partially answers a question of V.V. Tkachuk in [Tk]. We show that for a compact , all continuous maps of onto second...
Such spaces in which a homeomorphic image of the whole space can be found in every open set are called self-homeomorphic. W.J. Charatonik and A. Dilks posed a problem related to strongly pointwise self-homeomorphic dendrites. We solve this problem negatively in Example 2.1.
A space is called connectifiable if it can be densely embedded in a connected Hausdorff space. Let be the following statement: “a perfect -space with no more than clopen subsets is connectifiable if and only if no proper nonempty clopen subset of is feebly compact". In this note we show that neither nor is provable in ZFC.
In the present paper we give a duality between a special type of ideals of subalgebras of containing and -filters of by generalization of the notion -ideal of . We also use it to establish some intersecting properties of prime ideals lying between and . For instance we may mention that such an ideal becomes prime if and only if it contains a prime ideal. Another interesting one is that for such an ideal the residue class ring is totally ordered if and only if it is prime.