On some conditions which imply the continuity of almost all sections
Let be an open interval, a topological space and a metric space. Some local conditions implying continuity and quasicontinuity of almost all sections of a function are shown.
Let be an open interval, a topological space and a metric space. Some local conditions implying continuity and quasicontinuity of almost all sections of a function are shown.
Properties similar to countable fan-tightness are introduced and compared to countable tightness and countable fan-tightness. These properties are also investigated with respect to function spaces and certain classes of continuous mappings.
For a completely regular space X, C*(X) denotes the algebra of all bounded real-valued continuous functions over X. We consider the topology of uniform convergence over C*(X).When K is a compact space, the Stone-Weierstrass and Kakutani-Stone theorems provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which a function f ∈ C*(K) can be uniformly approximated by members of an algebra, lattice or vector lattice of C*(K). In this way, the uniform closure and, in particular, the uniform density of algebras...
It is proved that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) f is an almost everywhere continuous function on ; (b) f = g + h, where g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on ; (c) f = c + gh, where c ∈ ℝ and g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on .
Related to Shape Theory, in a previous paper (1992) we studied weak monomorphisms and weak epimorphisms in the category of pro-groups. In this note we give some intrinsic characterizations of the weak monomorphisms and the weak epimorphisms in pro-HTop* in the case when one of the two objects of such a morphism is a rudimentary system.
In this paper the concept of somewhat fuzzy semicontinuous functions, somewhat fuzzy semiopen functions are introduced and studied. Besides giving characterizations of these functions, several interesting properties of these functions are also given. More examples are given to illustrate the concepts introduced in this paper.
Let I ⊆ P(ω) be an ideal. We continue our investigation of the class of spaces with the I-ideal convergence property, denoted (I). We show that if I is an analytic, non-countably generated P-ideal then (I) ⊆ s₀. If in addition I is non-pathological and not isomorphic to , then (I) spaces have measure zero. We also present a characterization of the (I) spaces using clopen covers.