Displaying 161 – 180 of 342

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A reverse viewpoint on the upper semicontinuity of multivalued maps

Marcio Colombo Fenille (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

For a multivalued map ϕ : Y ( X , τ ) between topological spaces, the upper semifinite topology 𝒜 ( τ ) on the power set 𝒜 ( X ) = { A X : A } is such that ϕ is upper semicontinuous if and only if it is continuous when viewed as a singlevalued map ϕ : Y ( 𝒜 ( X ) , 𝒜 ( τ ) ) . In this paper, we seek a result like this from a reverse viewpoint, namely, given a set X and a topology Γ on 𝒜 ( X ) , we consider a natural topology ( Γ ) on X , constructed from Γ satisfying ( Γ ) = τ if Γ = 𝒜 ( τ ) , and we give necessary and sufficient conditions to the upper semicontinuity of a multivalued map ϕ : Y ( X , ( Γ ) ) ...

A revised closed graph theorem for quasi-Suslin spaces

Juan Carlos Ferrando, J. Kąkol, M. Lopez Pellicer (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Some results about the continuity of special linear maps between F -spaces recently obtained by Drewnowski have motivated us to revise a closed graph theorem for quasi-Suslin spaces due to Valdivia. We extend Valdivia’s theorem by showing that a linear map with closed graph from a Baire tvs into a tvs admitting a relatively countably compact resolution is continuous. This also applies to extend a result of De Wilde and Sunyach. A topological space X is said to have a (relatively countably) compact...

A selection theorem

Arrigo Cellina (1976)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

A simultaneous selection theorem

Alexander D. Arvanitakis (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove a theorem that generalizes in a way both Michael's Selection Theorem and Dugundji's Simultaneous Extension Theorem. We use it to prove that if K is an uncountable compact metric space and X a Banach space, then C(K,X) is isomorphic to C(𝓒,X) where 𝓒 denotes the Cantor set. For X = ℝ, this gives the well known Milyutin Theorem.

A spectral characterization of skeletal maps

Taras Banakh, Andrzej Kucharski, Marta Martynenko (2013)

Open Mathematics

We prove that a map between two realcompact spaces is skeletal if and only if it is homeomorphic to the limit map of a skeletal morphism between ω-spectra with surjective limit projections.

A strengthening of the Katětov-Tong insertion theorem

Tomasz Kubiak (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Normal spaces are characterized in terms of an insertion type theorem, which implies the Katětov-Tong theorem. The proof actually provides a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the insertion of an ordered pair of lower and upper semicontinuous functions between two comparable real-valued functions. As a consequence of the latter, we obtain a characterization of completely normal spaces by real-valued functions.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 342