Sequential completeness versus Čech - completeness
A space X is sequentially separable if there is a countable D ⊂ X such that every point of X is the limit of a sequence of points from D. Neither “sequential + separable” nor “sequentially separable” implies the other. Some examples of this are presented and some conditions under which one of the two implies the other are discussed. A selective version of sequential separability is also considered.
For any a countable sequential topological group of sequential order α is constructed using CH.
We present short and elementary proofs of the following two known theorems in General Topology: (i) [H. Wicke and J. Worrell] A weakly -refinable countably compact space is compact. (ii) [A. Ostaszewski] A compact Hausdorff space which is a countable union of metrizable spaces is sequential.
We extend some known sigma-finiteness and regularity results for (locally finite) Radon measures to locally sigma-finite or locally moderated Radon measures of type (H), and we obtain other new ones. The main result states that the regularity and the sigma-finiteness are equivalent for alllocally moderated, diffused, Radon measures of type (H) in a T1 topological space which is either weakly metacompact or paralindelöf (resp. metalindelöf) and has a concassage of Lindelöf (resp. separable) subsets....
We introduce and investigate the class of skeletally Dugundji spaces as a skeletal analogue of Dugundji space. Our main result states that the following conditions are equivalent for a given space X: (i) X is skeletally Dugundji; (ii) every compactification of X is co-absolute to a Dugundji space; (iii) every C*-embedding of the absolute p(X) in another space is strongly π-regular; (iv) X has a multiplicative lattice in the sense of Shchepin [Shchepin E.V., Topology of limit spaces with uncountable...
Dado un espacio T3α (X,T), es posible obtener una compactificación T2 del mismo, mediante ultrafiltros asociados a ciertas bases distinguidas de cerrados de (X,T) (Frink [4]). Se plantea así el problema siguiente: ¿Puede obtenerse toda compactificación T2 de (X,T) por este método? Desde el año 1964 en que Frink lo planteó, este interrogante ha tenido respuestas afirmativas parciales. Sin embargo, la solución definitiva es negativa.