Measure theoretic zero sets in infinite dimensional spaces and differentiability of Lipschitz mappings
We investigate whether in the setting of approach spaces there exist measures of relative compactness, (relative) sequential compactness and (relative) countable compactness in the same vein as Kuratowski's measure of compactness. The answer is yes. Not only can we prove that such measures exist, but we can give usable formulas for them and we can prove that they behave nicely with respect to each other in the same way as the classical notions.
It is shown that Čech completeness, ultracompleteness and local compactness can be defined by demanding that certain equivalences hold between certain classes of Baire measures or by demanding that certain classes of Baire measures have non-empty support. This shows that these three topological properties are measurable, similarly to the classical examples of compact spaces, pseudo-compact spaces and realcompact spaces.
We show that pointwise bounds on the Menger curvature imply Lipschitz parametrization for general compact metric spaces. We also give some estimates on the optimal Lipschitz constants of the parametrizing maps for the metric spaces in Ω(ε), the class of bounded metric spaces E such that the maximum angle for every triple in E is at least π/2 + arcsinε. Finally, we extend Peter Jones's travelling salesman theorem to general metric spaces.
We prove a number of results involving categories enriched over CMet, the category of complete metric spaces with possibly infinite distances. The category CPMet of path complete metric spaces is locally -presentable, closed monoidal, and coreflective in CMet. We also prove that the category CCMet of convex complete metric spaces is not closed monoidal and characterize the isometry--generated objects in CMet, CPMet and CCMet, answering questions by Di Liberti and Rosický. Other results include...
A metric space (M,d) is said to have the small ball property (sbp) if for every ε₀ > 0 it is possible to write M as the union of a sequence (B(xₙ,rₙ)) of closed balls such that the rₙ are smaller than ε₀ and lim rₙ = 0. We study permanence properties and examples of sbp. The main results of this paper are the following: 1. Bounded convex closed sets in Banach spaces have sbp only if they are compact. 2. Precisely the finite-dimensional Banach spaces have sbp. (More generally: a complete metric...
A locallic version of Hager’s metric-fine spaces is presented. A general definition of -fineness is given and various special cases are considered, notably all metric frames, complete metric frames. Their interactions with each other, quotients, separability, completion and other topological properties are discussed.