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Resolving a question of Arkhangel'skiĭ's

Michael G. Charalambous (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct in ZFC a cosmic space that, despite being the union of countably many metrizable subspaces, has covering dimension equal to 1 and inductive dimensions equal to 2.

Rosenthal compacta and NIP formulas

Pierre Simon (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We apply the work of Bourgain, Fremlin and Talagrand on compact subsets of the first Baire class to show new results about ϕ-types for ϕ NIP. In particular, we show that if M is a countable model, then an M-invariant ϕ-type is Borel-definable. Also, the space of M-invariant ϕ-types is a Rosenthal compactum, which implies a number of topological tameness properties.

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