Obtaining inverse sequences for certain continua
A continuum means a compact connected metric space. For a continuum X, H(X) denotes the space of all homeomorphisms of X with the compact-open topology. It is well known that H(X) is a completely metrizable, separable topological group. J. Kennedy [8] considered a compactification of H(X) and studied its properties when X has various types of homogeneity. In this paper we are concerned with the compactification of the homeomorphism group of the pseudo-arc P, which is obtained by the method of...
We give a proof of a theorem of Maćkowiak on the existence of universal n-dimensional hereditarily indecomposable continua, based on the Baire-category method.
We characterize Peano continua using Bing-Krasinkiewicz-Lelek maps. Also we deal with some topics on Whitney preserving maps.