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Spaces of measurable functions

Piotr Niemiec (2013)

Open Mathematics

For a metrizable space X and a finite measure space (Ω, 𝔐 , µ), the space M µ(X) of all equivalence classes (under the relation of equality almost everywhere mod µ) of 𝔐 -measurable functions from Ω to X, whose images are separable, equipped with the topology of convergence in measure, and some of its subspaces are studied. In particular, it is shown that M µ(X) is homeomorphic to a Hilbert space provided µ is (nonzero) nonatomic and X is completely metrizable and has more than one point.

Tests à la Hurewicz dans le plan

Dominique Lecomte (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Nous donnons, pour une certaine catégorie de boréliens d'un produit de deux espaces polonais, comprenant les boréliens à coupes dénombrables, une caractérisation du type "test d'Hurewicz" de ceux ne pouvant pas être rendus différence transfinie d'ouverts par changement des deux topologies polonaises.

The covering property for σ-ideals of compact, sets

Carlos Uzcátegui (1992)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The covering property for σ-ideals of compact sets is an abstract version of the classical perfect set theorem for analytic sets. We will study its consequences using as a paradigm the σ-ideal of countable closed subsets of 2 ω .

The fixed point set of open mappings on extremally disconnected spaces

Egbert Thümmel (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We give an example of an extremally disconnected compact Hausdorff space with an open continuous selfmap such that the fixed point set is nonvoid and nowhere dense, respṫhat there is exactly one nonisolated fixed point.

The generic isometry and measure preserving homeomorphism are conjugate to their powers

Christian Rosendal (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is known that there is a comeagre set of mutually conjugate measure preserving homeomorphisms of Cantor space equipped with the coinflipping probability measure, i.e., Haar measure. We show that the generic measure preserving homeomorphism is moreover conjugate to all of its powers. It follows that the generic measure preserving homeomorphism extends to an action of (ℚ, +) by measure preserving homeomorphisms, and, in fact, to an action of the locally compact ring 𝔄 of finite adèles. ...

The structure of the σ -ideal of σ -porous sets

Miroslav Zelený, Jan Pelant (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show a general method of construction of non- σ -porous sets in complete metric spaces. This method enables us to answer several open questions. We prove that each non- σ -porous Suslin subset of a topologically complete metric space contains a non- σ -porous closed subset. We show also a sufficient condition, which gives that a certain system of compact sets contains a non- σ -porous element. Namely, if we denote the space of all compact subsets of a compact metric space E with the Vietoris topology...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 331