Displaying 301 – 320 of 523

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Poincaré's recurrence theorem for set-valued dynamical systems

Jean-Pierre Aubin, Hélène Frankowska, Andrzej Lasota (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

 Abstract. The existence theorem of an invariant measure and Poincare's Recurrence Theorem are extended to set-valued dynamical systems with closed graph on a compact metric space.

Points with maximal Birkhoff average oscillation

Jinjun Li, Min Wu (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let f : X X be a continuous map with the specification property on a compact metric space X . We introduce the notion of the maximal Birkhoff average oscillation, which is the “worst” divergence point for Birkhoff average. By constructing a kind of dynamical Moran subset, we prove that the set of points having maximal Birkhoff average oscillation is residual if it is not empty. As applications, we present the corresponding results for the Birkhoff averages for continuous functions on a repeller and locally...

⊗-product of Markov matrices.

J. P. Lampreia, A. Rica da Silva, J. Sousa Ramos (1988)


In this paper we introduce a ⊗-operation over Markov transition matrices, in the context of subshift of finite type, reproducing symbolic properties of the iterates of the critical point on a one-parameter family of unimodal maps. To the *-product between kneading sequences we associate a ⊗-product between the corresponding Markov matrices.

Prolongational centers and their depths

Boyang Ding, Changming Ding (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In 1926 Birkhoff defined the center depth, one of the fundamental invariants that characterize the topological structure of a dynamical system. In this paper, we introduce the concepts of prolongational centers and their depths, which lead to a complete family of topological invariants. Some basic properties of the prolongational centers and their depths are established. Also, we construct a dynamical system in which the depth of a prolongational center is a prescribed countable ordinal.

Propriétés topologiques et combinatoires des échelles de numération

Guy Barat, Tomasz Downarowicz, Anzelm Iwanik, Pierre Liardet (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Topological and combinatorial properties of dynamical systems called odometers and arising from number systems are investigated. First, a topological classification is obtained. Then a rooted tree describing the carries in the addition of 1 is introduced and extensively studied. It yields a description of points of discontinuity and a notion of low scale, which is helpful in producing examples of what the dynamics of an odometer can look like. Density of the orbits is also discussed.

Proximality in Pisot tiling spaces

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A substitution φ is strong Pisot if its abelianization matrix is nonsingular and all eigenvalues except the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue have modulus less than one. For strong Pisot φ that satisfies a no cycle condition and for which the translation flow on the tiling space φ has pure discrete spectrum, we describe the collection φ P of pairs of proximal tilings in φ in a natural way as a substitution tiling space. We show that if ψ is another such substitution, then φ and ψ are homeomorphic if and...

Quasi-orbit spaces associated to T₀-spaces

C. Bonatti, H. Hattab, E. Salhi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let G ⊂ Homeo(E) be a group of homeomorphisms of a topological space E. The class of an orbit O of G is the union of all orbits having the same closure as O. Let E/G̃ be the space of classes of orbits, called the quasi-orbit space. We show that every second countable T₀-space Y is a quasi-orbit space E/G̃, where E is a second countable metric space. The regular part X₀ of a T₀-space X is the union of open subsets homeomorphic to ℝ or to 𝕊¹. We give a characterization of the spaces X with finite...

Reading along arithmetic progressions

T. Downarowicz (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Given a 0-1 sequence x in which both letters occur with density 1/2, do there exist arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions along which x reads 010101...? We answer the above negatively by showing that a certain regular triadic Toeplitz sequence does not have this property. On the other hand, we prove that if x is a generalized binary Morse sequence then each block can be read in x along some arithmetic progression.

Reflexively representable but not Hilbert representable compact flows and semitopological semigroups

Michael Megrelishvili (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that for many natural topological groups G (including the group ℤ of integers) there exist compact metric G-spaces (cascades for G = ℤ) which are reflexively representable but not Hilbert representable. This answers a question of T. Downarowicz. The proof is based on a classical example of W. Rudin and its generalizations. A~crucial step in the proof is our recent result which states that every weakly almost periodic function on a compact G-flow X comes from a G-representation of X on reflexive...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 523