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Sur la caractérisation topologique des compacts à l'aide des demi-treillis des pseudométriques continues

Taras Banakh (1995)

Studia Mathematica

For a Tikhonov space X we denote by Pc(X) the semilattice of all continuous pseudometrics on X. It is proved that compact Hausdorff spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if and only if there is a positive-homogeneous (or an additive) semi-lattice isomorphism T:Pc(X) → Pc(Y). A topology on Pc(X) is called admissible if it is intermediate between the compact-open and pointwise topologies on Pc(X). Another result states that Tikhonov spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if and only if there exists a positive-homogeneous...

Sur la construction de mesures selles

Henry de Thélin (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nous construisons des mesures selles (dans un sens faible) pour les endomorphismes holomorphes de 2 ( ) .

Suzuki type fuzzy 𝒵 -contractive mappings and fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces

Dhananjay Gopal, Juan Martínez-Moreno (2021)


In this paper, we propose the concept of Suzuki type fuzzy 𝒵 -contractive mappings, which is a generalization of Fuzzy 𝒵 -contractive mappings initiated in the article [S. Shukla, D. Gopal, W. Sintunavarat, A new class of fuzzy contractive mappings and fixed point theorems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 350 (2018)85-95]. For this type of contractions suitable conditions are framed to ensure the existence of fixed point in G -complete as well as M -complete fuzzy metric spaces. A comprehensive set of examples...

Swiss cheeses, rational approximation and universal plane curves

J. F. Feinstein, M. J. Heath (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We consider the compact plane sets known as Swiss cheese sets, which are a useful source of examples in the theory of uniform algebras and rational approximation. We develop a theory of allocation maps connected to such sets and we use this theory to modify examples previously constructed in the literature to obtain examples homeomorphic to the Sierpiński carpet. Our techniques also allow us to avoid certain technical difficulties in the literature.

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