Displaying 21 – 40 of 100

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Definable orthogonality classes in accessible categories are small

Joan Bagaria, Carles Casacuberta, A. R. D. Mathias, Jiří Rosický (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We lower substantially the strength of the assumptions needed for the validity of certain results in category theory and homotopy theory which were known to follow from Vopěnka’s principle. We prove that the necessary large-cardinal hypotheses depend on the complexity of the formulas defining the given classes, in the sense of the Lévy hierarchy. For example, the statement that, for a class 𝒮 of morphisms in a locally presentable category 𝒞 of structures, the orthogonal class of objects is a small-orthogonality...

Heaps and unpointed stable homotopy theory

Lukáš Vokřínek (2014)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we show how certain “stability phenomena” in unpointed model categories provide the sets of homotopy classes with a canonical structure of an abelian heap, i.e. an abelian group without a choice of a zero. In contrast with the classical situation of stable (pointed) model categories, these sets can be empty.

Local cohomology and support for triangulated categories

Dave Benson, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Henning Krause (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We propose a new method for defining a notion of support for objects in any compactly generated triangulated category admitting small coproducts. This approach is based on a construction of local cohomology functors on triangulated categories, with respect to a central ring of operators. Special cases are, for example, the theory for commutative noetherian rings due to Foxby and Neeman, the theory of Avramov and Buchweitz for complete intersection local rings, and varieties for representations of...

Matrix problems and stable homotopy types of polyhedra

Yuriy Drozd (2004)

Open Mathematics

This is a survey of the results on stable homotopy types of polyhedra of small dimensions, mainly obtained by H.-J. Baues and the author [3, 5, 6]. The proofs are based on the technique of matrix problems (bimodule categories).

Motivic functors.

Dundas, Bjørn Ian, Röndigs, Oliver, Østvær, Paul Arne (2003)

Documenta Mathematica

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 100