On Rationalized H- and CO-H-Spaces. With an Appendix on Decomposable H- and CO-H-Spaces.
In the study of surfaces in 3-manifolds, the so-called ?cut-and-paste? of surfaces is frequently used. In this paper, we generalize this method, in a sense, to singular-surfaces, and as an application, we prove that two collections of singular-disks in the 3-space R3 which span the same trivial link are link-homotopic in the upper-half 4-space R3 [0,8) keeping the link fixed. Throughout the paper, we work in the piecewise linear category, consisting of simplicial complexes and piecewise linear maps....
Related to Shape Theory, in a previous paper (1992) we studied weak monomorphisms and weak epimorphisms in the category of pro-groups. In this note we give some intrinsic characterizations of the weak monomorphisms and the weak epimorphisms in pro-HTop* in the case when one of the two objects of such a morphism is a rudimentary system.