Displaying 81 – 100 of 268

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Homological computations in the universal Steenrod algebra

A. Ciampella, L. A. Lomonaco (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the (bigraded) homology of the universal Steenrod algebra Q over the prime field ₂, and we compute the groups H s , s ( Q ) , s ≥ 0, using some ideas and techniques of Koszul algebras developed by S. Priddy in [5], although we presently do not know whether or not Q is a Koszul algebra. We also provide an explicit formula for the coalgebra structure of the diagonal homology D ( Q ) = s 0 H s , s ( Q ) and show that D⁎(Q) is isomorphic to the coalgebra of invariants Γ introduced by W. Singer in [6].

Homomorphic images and rationalizations based on the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces

Dae-Woong Lee (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Are there any kinds of self maps on the loop structure whose induced homomorphic images are the Lie brackets in tensor algebra? We will give an answer to this question by defining a self map of Ω Σ K ( , 2 d ) , and then by computing efficiently some self maps. We also study the topological rationalization properties of the suspension of the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. These results will be playing a powerful role in the computation of the same n -type problems and giving us an information about the rational homotopy...

Induced mappings of homology decompositions

Martin Arkowitz (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We give conditions for a map of spaces to induce maps of the homology decompositions of the spaces which are compatible with the homology sections and dual Postnikov invariants. Several applications of this result are obtained. We show how the homotopy type of the (n+1)st homology section depends on the homotopy type of the nth homology section and the (n+1)st homology group. We prove that all homology sections of a co-H-space are co-H-spaces, all n-equivalences of the homology decomposition are...

Injective comodules and Landweber exact homology theories

Mark Hovey (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We classify the indecomposable injective E(n)⁎E(n)-comodules, where E(n) is the Johnson-Wilson homology theory. They are suspensions of the J n , r = E ( n ) ( M r E ( r ) ) , where 0 ≤ r ≤ n, with the endomorphism ring of J n , r being E ( r ) ^ * E ( r ) ^ , where E ( r ) ^ denotes the completion of E(r).

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 268