Separable morphisms of simplicial sets.
This paper shows that the simplicial type of a finite simplicial complex is determined by its algebra of polynomial functions on the baricentric coordinates with coefficients in any integral domain. The link between and is done through certain admissible matrix associated to in a natural way. This result was obtained for the real numbers by I. V. Savel’ev [5], using methods of real algebraic geometry. D. Kan and E. Miller had shown in [2] that determines the homotopy type of the polyhedron...
Seguendo le idee presentate nei lavori [1] e [2] si studiano le proprietà dei gruppi di -omotopia per moduli ed omomorfismi di moduli.
Square groups are gadgets classifying quadratic endofunctors of the category of groups. Applying such a functor to the Kan simplicial loop group of the 2-dimensional sphere, one obtains a one-connected three-type. We consider the problem of characterization of those three-types X which can be obtained in this way. We solve this problem in some cases, including the case when π2(X) is a finitely generated abelian group. The corresponding stable problem is solved completely.
We present a very short way of calculating additively the stable (co)homology of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces K(ℤ/p,n). Our method depends only on homological algebra in appropriate categories of functors.
The fourth axiom of a model category states that given a commutative square of maps, say i: A → B, g: B → Y, f: A → X, and p: X → Y such that gi = pf, if i is a cofibration, p a fibration and either i or p is a weak equivalence, then a lifting (i.e. a map h: B → X such that ph = g and hi = f) exists. We show that for many model categories the two conditions that either i or p above is a weak equivalence can be embedded in an infinite number of conditions which imply the existence of a lifting (roughly,...