A genus for N-dimensional knots and links.
We define an isotopy invariant of embeddings of manifolds into Euclidean space. This invariant together with the α-invariant of Haefliger-Wu is complete in the dimension range where the α-invariant could be incomplete. We also define parametric connected sum of certain embeddings (analogous to surgery). This allows us to obtain new completeness results for the α-invariant and the following estimation of isotopy classes of embeddings. In the piecewise-linear category, for a (3n-2m+2)-connected...
We construct a locally compact 2-dimensional polyhedron X which does not admit a 𝒵-compactification, but which becomes 𝒵-compactifiable upon crossing with the Hilbert cube. This answers a long-standing question posed by Chapman and Siebenmann in 1976 and repeated in the 1976, 1979 and 1990 versions of Open Problems in Infinite-Dimensional Topology. Our solution corrects an error in the 1990 problem list.
We show a relationship between the non-acyclic Reidemeister torsion and a zero of the acyclic Reidemeister torsion for a -regular or -representation of a knot group. Then we give a method to calculate the non-acyclic Reidemeister torsion of a knot exterior. We calculate a new example and investigate the behavior of the non-acyclic Reidemeister torsion associated to a -bridge knot and -representations of its knot group.