Cappell-Shaneson's 4-dimensional -cobordism.
On décrit un exemple de variété de contact universellement tendue qui devient vrillée après une chirurgie de Dehn admissible sur un entrelacs transverse.
We introduce a new braid-theoretic framework with which to understand the Legendrian and transversal classification of knots, namely a Legendrian Markov Theorem without Stabilization which induces an associated transversal Markov Theorem without Stabilization. We establish the existence of a nontrivial knot-type specific Legendrian and transversal MTWS by enhancing the Legendrian mountain range for the (2,3)-cable of a (2,3)-torus knot provided by Etnyre and Honda, and showing that elementary negative...
We prove a compactness theorem for holomorphic curves in 4-dimensional symplectizations that have embedded projections to the underlying 3-manifold. It strengthens the cylindrical case of the SFT compactness theorem [BEH+C03] by using intersection theory to show that degenerations of such sequences never give rise to multiple covers or nodes, so transversality is easily achieved. This has application to the theory of stable finite energy foliations introduced in [HWZ03], and also suggests a new...
Starting from the work of Bhupal we extend to the contact case the Viterbo capacity and Traynor’s construction of symplectic homology. As an application we get a new proof of the Non-Squeezing Theorem of Eliashberg, Kim and Polterovich.