Reidemeister torsion and integrable Hamiltonian systems.
We describe the structure of minimal round functions on compact closed surfaces and three-dimensional manifolds. The minimal possible number of critical loops is determined and typical non-equisingular round function germs are interpreted in the spirit of isolated line singularities. We also discuss a version of Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory suitable for round functions.
We obtain rigidity and gluing results for the Morse complex of a real-valued Morse function as well as for the Novikov complex of a circle-valued Morse function. A rigidity result is also proved for the Floer complex of a hamiltonian defined on a closed symplectic manifold with . The rigidity results for these complexes show that the complex of a fixed generic function/hamiltonian is a retract of the Morse (respectively Novikov or Floer) complex of any other sufficiently close generic function/hamiltonian....