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On the classification of G-spheres II: PL automorphism groups. Ib Madsen, Melvin Rothenberg (1989) Mathematica Scandinavica
On the components of the principal part of a manifold with a finite group action C. Bowszyc (1983) Fundamenta Mathematicae
On the finiteness obstruction of certain periodic groups. Steffen Bentzen (1984) Mathematica Scandinavica
On the geometric topology of locally linear actions of finite groups Mark Steinberger, James West (1986) Banach Center Publications
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On the Index of Approximating Sets of Periodic Points. Heinrich Steinlein (1996) Manuscripta mathematica
On the Rank of Abelian Groups Acting Freely on (Sn)k. Gunnar Carlsson (1982) Inventiones mathematicae
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On the winding number and equivariant homotopy classes of maps of manifolds with some finite group actions C. Bowszyc (1983) Fundamenta Mathematicae
One fixed point actions on low-dimensional spheres. N.P. Buchdahl, S. Kwasik, R. Schultz (1990) Inventiones mathematicae
Orbit spaces of the hyperspace of a graph which are Hilbert cubes R. E. Heisey, J. E. West (1988) Colloquium Mathematicae
Orientation Reversing Involutions and the First Betti Number for Finite Coverings of 3-Manifolds. John Hempel (1982) Inventiones mathematicae
Period three actions on the three-sphere. Maher, J., Rubinstein, J. Hyam (2003) Geometry & Topology