Displaying 81 – 100 of 190

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Isotropy representation of flag manifolds

Alekseevsky, D. V. (1998)

Proceedings of the 17th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

A flag manifold of a compact semisimple Lie group G is defined as a quotient M = G / K where K is the centralizer of a one-parameter subgroup exp ( t x ) of G . Then M can be identified with the adjoint orbit of x in the Lie algebra 𝒢 of G . Two flag manifolds M = G / K and M ' = G / K ' are equivalent if there exists an automorphism φ : G G such that φ ( K ) = K ' (equivalent manifolds need not be G -diffeomorphic since φ is not assumed to be inner). In this article, explicit formulas for decompositions of the isotropy representation for all flag manifolds...

Knit products of graded Lie algebras and groups

Michor, Peter W. (1990)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Let A = k A k and B = k B k be graded Lie algebras whose grading is in 𝒵 or 𝒵 2 , but only one of them. Suppose that ( α , β ) is a derivatively knitted pair of representations for ( A , B ) , i.e. α and β satisfy equations which look “derivatively knitted"; then A B : = k , l ( A k B l ) , endowed with a suitable bracket, which mimics semidirect products on both sides, becomes a graded Lie algebra A ( α , β ) B . This graded Lie algebra is called the knit product of A and B . The author investigates the general situation for any graded Lie subalgebras A and B of a graded...

Lagrange functions generating Poisson manifolds of geodesic arcs

Klapka, Lubomír (2000)

Proceedings of the 19th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Let X a smooth finite-dimensional manifold and W Γ ( X ) the manifold of geodesic arcs of a symmetric linear connection Γ on X . In a previous paper [Differential Geometry and Applications (Brno, 1995) 603-610 (1996; Zbl 0859.58011)] the author introduces and studies the Poisson manifolds of geodesic arcs, i.e. manifolds of geodesic arcs equipped with certain Poisson structure. In this paper the author obtains necessary and sufficient conditions for that a given Lagrange function generates a Poisson manifold...

Liftings of 1-forms to some non product preserving bundles

Doupovec, Miroslav, Kurek, Jan (1998)

Proceedings of the 17th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Summary: The article is devoted to the question how to geometrically construct a 1-form on some non product preserving bundles by means of a 1-form on an original manifold M . First, we will deal with liftings of 1-forms to higher-order cotangent bundles. Then, we will be concerned with liftings of 1-forms to the bundles which arise as a composition of the cotangent bundle with the tangent or cotangent bundle.

Local and global aspects of separating coordinates for the Klein-Gordon equation

Hinterleitner, Franz (1997)

Proceedings of the 16th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The author considers the Klein-Gordon equation for ( 1 + 1 ) -dimensional flat spacetime. He is interested in those coordinate systems for which the equation is separable. These coordinate systems are explicitly known and generally do not cover the whole plane. The author constructs tensor fields which he can use to express the locus of points where the coordinates break down.

More on deformed oscillator algebras and extended umbral calculus

Kwaśniewski, A. K., Grądzka, E. (2003)

Proceedings of the 22nd Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

This paper deals with ϕ ( q ) calculus which is an extension of finite operator calculus due to Rota, and leading results of Rota’s calculus are easily ϕ -extendable. The particular case ϕ n ( q ) = [ n q 1 ] - 1 is known to be relevant for quantum group investigations. It is shown here that such ϕ ( q ) umbral calculus leads to infinitely many new ϕ -deformed quantum like oscillator algebra representations. The authors point to several references dealing with new applications of q umbral and ϕ ( q ) calculus in which new families of ϕ ( q ) extensions...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 190