Displaying 161 – 180 of 272

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Étude des jets de Demailly-Semple en dimension 3

Erwan Rousseau (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans cet article nous faisons l’étude algébrique des jets de Demailly-Semple en dimension 3 en utilisant la théorie des invariants des groupes non réductifs. Cette étude fournit la caractérisation géométrique du fibré des jets d’ordre 3 sur une variété de dimension 3 et permet d’effectuer, par Riemann-Roch, un calcul de caractéristique d’Euler.

Étude des Γ -structures de codimension 1 sur la sphère S 2

Claude Roger (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Cet article contient une démonstration géométrique simple de π 2 ( B Γ 1 r ) = 0 pour r = 0 , .Ce résultat (démontré aussi par Mather comme corollaire d’un théorème beaucoup plus général) apparaît comme une conséquence du théorème de Michael Herman : Diff S 1 [ Diff S 1 , Diff S 1 ] = 0 .L’appendice contient une étude des Γ structures sur les surfaces et un résultat sur la cohomologie de Diff S 1 .

Evolution differential equations in Fréchet sequence spaces

Oleg Zubelevich (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider evolution differential equations in Fréchet spaces with unconditional Schauder basis, and construct a version of the majorant functions method to obtain existence theorems for Cauchy problems. Applications to PDE are also considered.

Evolution of convex entire graphs by curvature flows

Roberta Alessandroni, Carlo Sinestrari (2015)

Geometric Flows

We consider the evolution of an entire convex graph in euclidean space with speed given by a symmetric function of the principal curvatures. Under suitable assumptions on the speed and on the initial data, we prove that the solution exists for all times and it remains a graph. In addition, after appropriate rescaling, it converges to a homothetically expanding solution of the flow. In this way, we extend to a class of nonlinear speeds the well known results of Ecker and Huisken for the mean curvature...

Examples from the calculus of variations. I. Nondegenerate problems

Jan Chrastina (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

The criteria of extremality for classical variational integrals depending on several functions of one independent variable and their derivatives of arbitrary orders for constrained, isoperimetrical, degenerate, degenerate constrained, and so on, cases are investigated by means of adapted Poincare-Cartan forms. Without ambitions on a noble generalizing theory, the main part of the article consists of simple illustrative examples within a somewhat naive point of view in order to obtain results resembling...

Examples from the calculus of variations. III. Legendre and Jacobi conditions

Jan Chrastina (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

We will deal with a new geometrical interpretation of the classical Legendre and Jacobi conditions: they are represented by the rate and the magnitude of rotation of certain linear subspaces of the tangent space around the tangents to the extremals. (The linear subspaces can be replaced by conical subsets of the tangent space.) This interpretation can be carried over to nondegenerate Lagrange problems but applies also to the degenerate variational integrals mentioned in the preceding Part II.

Examples from the calculus of variations. IV. Concluding review

Jan Chrastina (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

Variational integrals containing several functions of one independent variable subjected moreover to an underdetermined system of ordinary differential equations (the Lagrange problem) are investigated within a survey of examples. More systematical discussion of two crucial examples from Part I with help of the methods of Parts II and III is performed not excluding certain instructive subcases to manifest the significant role of generalized Poincaré-Cartan forms without undetermined multipliers....

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 272