Displaying 141 – 160 of 272

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Essential Killing fields of parabolic geometries: projective and conformal structures

Andreas Čap, Karin Melnick (2013)

Open Mathematics

We use the general theory developed in our article [Čap A., Melnick K., Essential Killing fields of parabolic geometries, Indiana Univ. Math. J. (in press)], in the setting of parabolic geometries to reprove known results on special infinitesimal automorphisms of projective and conformal geometries.

Essential self-adjointness for magnetic Schrödinger operators on non-compact manifolds

Mikhail Shubin (1998/1999)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

We give a condition of essential self-adjointness for magnetic Schrödinger operators on non-compact Riemannian manifolds with a given positive smooth measure which is fixed independently of the metric. This condition is related to the classical completeness of a related classical hamiltonian without magnetic field. The main result generalizes the result by I. Oleinik [29,30,31], a shorter and more transparent proof of which was provided by the author in [41]. The main idea, as in [41], consists...

Estimates for k -Hessian operator and some applications

Dongrui Wan (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The k -convex functions are the viscosity subsolutions to the fully nonlinear elliptic equations F k [ u ] = 0 , where F k [ u ] is the elementary symmetric function of order k , 1 k n , of the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix D 2 u . For example, F 1 [ u ] is the Laplacian Δ u and F n [ u ] is the real Monge-Ampère operator det D 2 u , while 1 -convex functions and n -convex functions are subharmonic and convex in the classical sense, respectively. In this paper, we establish an approximation theorem for negative k -convex functions, and give several...

Estimation of vibration frequencies of linear elastic membranes

Luca Sabatini (2018)

Applications of Mathematics

The free motion of a thin elastic linear membrane is described, in a simplyfied model, by a second order linear homogeneous hyperbolic system of partial differential equations whose spatial part is the Laplace Beltrami operator acting on a Riemannian 2-dimensional manifold with boundary. We adapt the estimates of the spectrum of the Laplacian obtained in the last years by several authors for compact closed Riemannian manifolds. To make so, we use the standard technique of the doubled manifold to...

Estimations of the best constant involving the L2 norm in Wente's inequality and compact H-surfaces in Euclidean space

Ge Yuxin (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In the first part of this paper, we study the best constant involving the L2 norm in Wente's inequality. We prove that this best constant is universal for any Riemannian surface with boundary, or respectively, for any Riemannian surface without boundary. The second part concerns the study of critical points of the associate energy functional, whose Euler equation corresponds to H-surfaces. We will establish the existence of a non-trivial critical point for a plan domain with small holes.

Étude de la classification topologique des fonctions unimodales

Michel Cosnard (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

À l’aide de la théorie des itinéraires et des suites de tricotage, nous étudions la conjugaison topologique des fonctions unimodales. Nous introduisons la notion de conjugaison macroscopique, caractérisée par l’égalité des suites de tricotage. Puis nous présentons un théorème de classification des fonctions unimodales. Pour illustrer ces résultats, nous montrons que l’ensemble des solutions de l’équation de Feigenbaum contient une infinité de classes topologiques.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 272