-concircular vector fields and holomorphically projective mappings on Kählerian spaces
We apply the Cartan-Kähler theorem for the k-Dirac operator studied in Clifford analysis and to the parabolic version of this operator. We show that for the tableaux of the first prolongations of these two operators are involutive. This gives us a new characterization of the set of initial conditions for the 2-Dirac operator.
We describe all compact spin Kähler manifolds of even complex dimension and positive scalar curvature with least possible first eigenvalue of the Dirac operator.
This paper is concerned with compact Kähler manifolds whose tangent bundle splits as a sum of subbundles. In particular, it is shown that if the tangent bundle is a sum of line bundles, then the manifold is uniformised by a product of curves. The methods are taken from the theory of foliations of (co)dimension 1.
In this note we discuss some recent and ongoing joint work with Thalia Jeffres concerning the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics on compact Kähler manifolds which have a prescribed incomplete singularity along a smooth divisor . We shall begin with a general discussion of the problem, and give a rough outline of the “classical” proof of existence in the smooth case, due to Yau and Aubin, where no singularities are prescribed. Following this is a discussion of the geometry of the conical or edge...
Let and be graded Lie algebras whose grading is in or , but only one of them. Suppose that is a derivatively knitted pair of representations for , i.e. and satisfy equations which look “derivatively knitted"; then , endowed with a suitable bracket, which mimics semidirect products on both sides, becomes a graded Lie algebra . This graded Lie algebra is called the knit product of and . The author investigates the general situation for any graded Lie subalgebras and of a graded...
These notes represent the subject of five lectures which were delivered as a minicourse during the VI conference in Krynica, Poland, “Geometry and Topology of Manifolds”, May, 2–8, 2004.
We consider the norm closure 𝔄 of the algebra of all operators of order and class zero in Boutet de Monvel's calculus on a compact manifold X with boundary ∂X. Assuming that all connected components of X have nonempty boundary, we show that K₁(𝔄) ≃ K₁(C(X)) ⊕ ker χ, where χ: K₀(C₀(T*Ẋ)) → ℤ is the topological index, T*Ẋ denoting the cotangent bundle of the interior. Also K₀(𝔄) is topologically determined. In case ∂X has torsion free K-theory, we get K₀(𝔄) ≃ K₀(C(X)) ⊕ K₁(C₀(T*Ẋ)).