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Let G be a locally compact Polish group with an invariant metric. We provide sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of a compact set A ⊆ G and a sequence such that for all n. It is noticed that such measures μ form a meager subset of all probabilities on G in the weak measure topology. If for some k the convolution power has nontrivial absolutely continuous component then a similar characterization is obtained for any locally compact, σ-compact, unimodular, Hausdorff topological...
The notion of the counting process is recalled and the idea of the ‘cumulative’ process is presented. While the counting process describes the sequence of events, by the cumulative process we understand a stochastic process which cumulates random increments at random moments. It is described by an intensity of the random (counting) process of these moments and by a distribution of increments. We derive the martingale – compensator decomposition of the process and then we study the estimator of the...
In this paper, we consider ℝd-valued integrable processes which are increasing in the convex order, i.e. ℝd-valued peacocks in our terminology. After the presentation of some examples, we show that an ℝd-valued process is a peacock if and only if it has the same one-dimensional marginals as an ℝd-valued martingale. This extends former results, obtained notably by Strassen [Ann. Math. Stat. 36 (1965) 423–439], Doob [J. Funct. Anal. 2 (1968) 207–225] and Kellerer [Math. Ann. 198 (1972) 99–122].
We consider a market with two types of agents with different levels of information. In addition to a regular agent, there is an insider whose additional knowledge consists of being able to stop at an honest time Λ. We show, using the multiplicative decomposition of the Azéma supermartingale, that if the martingale part of the price process has the predictable representation property and Λ satisfies some mild assumptions, then there is no equivalent local martingale measure for the insider. This...
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