Distributions, noyaux, symboles, d'après Kree
Understanding the evolution of individuals which live in a structured and fluctuating environment is of central importance in mathematical population genetics. Here we outline some of the mathematical challenges arising from modelling structured populations, primarily focussing on the interplay between forwards in time models for the evolution of the population and backwards in time models for the genealogical trees relating individuals in a sample from that population. In addition to classical...
In this note, we prove a version of the conjectured duality for Schramm-Loewner Evolutions, by establishing exact identities in distribution between some boundary arcs of chordal , , and appropriate versions of , .
In actuarial practice the credibility models must face the problem of outliers and missing observations. If using the -estimation principle from robust statistics in combination with Kalman filtering one obtains the solution of this problem that is acceptable in the numerical framework of the practical actuarial credibility. The credibility models are classified as static and dynamic in this paper and the shrinkage is used for the final ratemaking.
This paper considers dynamic term structure models like the ones appearing in portfolio credit risk modelling or life insurance. We study general forward rate curves driven by infinitely many Brownian motions and an integer-valued random measure, generalizing existing approaches in the literature. A precise characterization of absence of arbitrage in such markets is given in terms of a suitable criterion for no asymptotic free lunch (NAFL). From this, we obtain drift conditions which are equivalent...
We apply dynamical ideas within probability theory, proving an almost-sure invariance principle in log density for stable processes. The familiar scaling property (self-similarity) of the stable process has a stronger expression, that the scaling flow on Skorokhod path space is a Bernoulli flow. We prove that typical paths of a random walk with i.i.d. increments in the domain of attraction of a stable law can be paired with paths of a stable process so that, after applying a non-random regularly...