Tests for relation type - equivalence or tolerance - in a finite set of elements
In weakly nonlinear regression model a weakly nonlinear hypothesis can be tested by linear methods if an information on actual values of model parameters is at our disposal and some condition is satisfied. In other words we must know that unknown parameters are with sufficiently high probability in so called linearization region. The aim of the paper is to determine this region.
En contrastes de hipótesis oblicuas para medias normales se ha demostrado la dominación del test de razón de verosimilitud (TRV). En este contexto consideramos estadísticos definidos por combinaciones lineales de las medias muestrales obteniendo tests para coeficientes fijos y aleatorios. En ambos casos los tests óptimos no tienen en cuenta toda la información del modelo original siendo adecuados para situaciones con hipótesis menos restrictivas. En la obtención de tests con coeficientes aleatorios...
In the paper, a new approach to construction test for independenceof two-dimensional normally distributed random vectors is given under the assumption that the ratio of the variances is known. This test is uniformly better than the t-Student test. A comparison of the power of these two tests is given. A behaviour of this test forsome ε-contamination of the original model is also shown. In the general case when the variance ratio is unknown, an adaptive test is presented. The equivalence between...
Test statistics for testing some hypotheses on characteristic roots of covariance matrices are presented, their asymptotic distribution is derived and a confidence interval for the proportional sum of the characteristic roots is constructed. The resulting procedures are robust against violation of the normality assumptions in the sense that they asymptotically possess chosen significance level provided that the population characteristic roots are distinct and the covariance matrices of certain quadratic...
A Bayesian method of estimation of a success probability p is considered in the case when two experiments are available: individual Bernoulli (p) trials-the p-experiment-or products of r individual Bernoulli (p) trials-the -experiment. This problem has its roots in reliability, where one can test either single components or a system of r identical components. One of the problems considered is to find the degree r̃ of the -experiment and the size m̃ of the p-experiment such that the Bayes estimator...
The problem of estimating the mean of a normal distribution is considered in the special case when the data arrive at random times. Certain classes of Bayes sequential estimation procedures are derived under LINEX and reflected normal loss function and with the observation cost determined by a function of the stopping time and the number of observations up to this time.
Where a decision-maker has to rely on expert opinions a need for a normative model to combine these forecasts appears. This can be done using Bayes' formula and by making some assumptions on the prior distribution and the distribution of the expert assessments. We extend the case to skewed distributions of these assessments. By using an Edgeworth expansion of the density function including the skewness parameter, we are able to obtain the formula to combine the forecasts in a Bayesian way.
The locally most powerful (LMP) tests of the hypothesis against one-sided as well as two-sided alternatives are compared with several competitive tests, as the likelihood ratio tests, the Wald-type tests and the Rao score tests, for several distribution shapes and for location, shape and vector parameters. A simulation study confirms the importance of the condition of local unbiasedness of the test, and shows that the LMP test can sometimes dominate the other tests only in a very restricted neighborhood...