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Displaying 41 – 60 of 71

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L'implication statistique entre variables modales

Marc Bailleul, Régis Gras (1994)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

L'implication statistique, selon R.Gras, permet d'associer à un ensemble de variables binaires ou fréquentielles un préordre représentable par un graphe non symétrique et par une hiérarchie ascendante. L'analyse d'un questionnaire à modalités totalement ordonnées nous contraint, pour conserver l'information maximale, à étendre cette notion à des variables modales et, par suite et a fortiori, à des variables ordinales qui s'y ramènent. A la suite de cette construction, on examine les contributions...

Nonparametric recursive aggregation process

Elena Tsiporkova, Veselka Boeva (2004)


In this work we introduce a nonparametric recursive aggregation process called Multilayer Aggregation (MLA). The name refers to the fact that at each step the results from the previous one are aggregated and thus, before the final result is derived, the initial values are subjected to several layers of aggregation. Most of the conventional aggregation operators, as for instance weighted mean, combine numerical values according to a vector of weights (parameters). Alternatively, the MLA operators...

Notes on the bias of dissimilarity indices for incomplete data sets: the case of archaelogical classification.

Angela Montanari, Stefania Mignani (1994)


The problem of missing data is particularly present in archaeological research where, because of the fragmentariness of the finds, only a part of the characteristics of the whole object can be observed. The performance of various dissimilarity indices differently weighting missing values is studied on archaeological data via a simulation. An alternative solution consisting in randomly substituting missing values with character sets is also examined. Gower's dissimilarity coefficient seems to be...

Numerical taxonomy: a missing link for case-based reasoning and autonomous agents.

John A. Campbell (2004)


Numerical taxonomy, which uses numerical methods to classify and relate items whose properties are non-numerical, is suggested as both an advantageous tool to support case-based reasoning and a means for agents to exploit knowledge that is best expressed in cases. The basic features of numerical taxonomy are explained, and discussed in application to a problem where human agents with differing views obtain solutions by negotiation and by reference to knowledge that is essentially case-like: allocation...

Random thresholds for linear model selection

Marc Lavielle, Carenne Ludeña (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

A method is introduced to select the significant or non null mean terms among a collection of independent random variables. As an application we consider the problem of recovering the significant coefficients in non ordered model selection. The method is based on a convenient random centering of the partial sums of the ordered observations. Based on L-statistics methods we show consistency of the proposed estimator. An extension to unknown parametric distributions is considered. Simulated examples...

Representación de datos en meteorología mediante gráficos animados: episodios de lluvia.

Jorge-Luis Navarro (1987)


Los campos escalares, bidimensionales y dependientes del tiempo, se representan generalmente en Meteorología mediante una sucesión de imágenes o análisis separados con una interdistancia temporal adecuada. Esta técnica alcanza su máximo desarrollo en lo que se conoce como gráfico animado.En el presente artículo se describen brevemente los procesos que, a partir de los datos, culminan con la generación de un análisis, imagen o fotograma, particularizando al caso de episodios de lluvia. Tras un resumen...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 71