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Compositional models, Bayesian models and recursive factorization models

Francesco M. Malvestuto (2016)


Compositional models are used to construct probability distributions from lower-order probability distributions. On the other hand, Bayesian models are used to represent probability distributions that factorize according to acyclic digraphs. We introduce a class of models, called recursive factorization models, to represent probability distributions that recursively factorize according to sequences of sets of variables, and prove that they have the same representation power as both compositional...

Conditional problem for objective probability

Otakar Kříž (1998)


Marginal problem (see [Kel]) consists in finding a joint distribution whose marginals are equal to the given less-dimensional distributions. Let’s generalize the problem so that there are given not only less-dimensional distributions but also conditional probabilities. It is necessary to distinguish between objective (Kolmogorov) probability and subjective (de Finetti) approach ([Col,Sco]). In the latter, the coherence problem incorporates both probabilities and conditional probabilities in a unified...

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