Analyse de l'estimation bornée à l'aide de simulations
AR models are frequently used but usually with normally distributed white noise. In this paper AR model with uniformly distributed white noise are introduces. The maximum likelihood estimation of unknown parameters is treated, iterative method for the calculation of estimates is presented. A numerical example of this procedure and simulation results are also given.
This paper presents an algorithm which prevents a simulation user from choosing a simulation length. This choice is always tricky and often leads to CPU-time waste, not to mention user-time waste. Too often, simulation users forget to compute confidence intervals: they only guess a simulation length and ignore the confidence on the simulation results. Those who do compute them generally try several lengths (and thus run several simulations) so as to obtain small enough confidence intervals. The...
We consider here a multivariate sample Xj = (X1.j > ... > Xi.j), 1 ≤ j ≤ n, where the Xj, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, are independent i-dimensional extremal vectors with suitable unknown location and scale parameters λ and δ respectively. Being interested in linear estimation of these parameters, we consider the multivariate sample Zj, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, of the order statistic of largest values and their concomitants, and the best linear unbiased estimators of λ and δ based on such multivariate sample. Computational...
The paper presents in a generalized form the problem of the geodetic network adjustment by the Helmert-Pranis Pranievich groups method (groups with junction points included or not). The adjustment problem, as well as the cofactor matrix derivation for the partial-independent and linkage unknowns, was completely formulated by transformed weight matrix definition and usage. A complete sequence of the computing stages for the geodetic networks divided into groups without junction points was given for...
This paper analyzes the random fluctuations obtained by a heterogeneous multi-scale first-order finite element method applied to solve elliptic equations with a random potential. Several multi-scale numerical algorithms have been shown to correctly capture the homogenized limit of solutions of elliptic equations with coefficients modeled as stationary and ergodic random fields. Because theoretical results are available in the continuum setting for such equations, we consider here the case of a second-order...
Damos un procedimiento de detección de outliers para muestras procedentes de poblaciones normales bivariantes, que viene dado por el cuadrado de la distancia entre matrices de sumas de cuadrados y sumas de productos de observaciones muestrales, la cual se ha obtenido a partir de la forma métrica diferencial de Maas.
We study the numerical approximation of doubly reflected backward stochastic differential equations with intermittent upper barrier (RIBSDEs). These denote reflected BSDEs in which the upper barrier is only active on certain random time intervals. From the point of view of financial interpretation, RIBSDEs arise as pricing equations of game options with constrained callability. In a Markovian set-up we prove a convergence rate for a time-discretization scheme by simulation to an RIBSDE. We also...
En este trabajo se determina una transformación tipo arco seno para una distribución hipergeométrica H(N,D = pN,n) de forma que estabilice la varianza de la misma en función de la fracción p de objetos de un cierto tipo. Como caso particular de las expresiones obtenidas se deducen las dadas por F. J. Anscombe (1948) para la distribución binomial B(n,p). Al final del trabajo se efectúa una investigación numérica de los resultados obtenidos y se dan algunas aplicaciones para realizar inferencias sobre...