Displaying 141 – 160 of 385

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Frequency analysis of preconditioned waveform relaxation iterations

Andrzej Augustynowicz, Zdzisław Jackiewicz (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The error analysis of preconditioned waveform relaxation iterations for differential systems is presented. This analysis extends and refines previous results by Burrage, Jackiewicz, Nørsett and Renaut by incorporating all terms in the expansion of the error of waveform relaxation iterations in the Laplace transform domain. Lower bounds for the size of the window of rapid convergence are also obtained. The theory is illustrated for waveform relaxation methods applied to differential systems resulting...

Generalized periodic overimplicit multistep methods (GPOM methods)

Hassan Nasr Ahmed Ismail (1979)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with some new methods for the numerical solution of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. The main idea of these methods consists in the fact that in one step of the method a group of unknown values of the approximate solution is computed simultaneously. The class of methods under investigation is wide enough to contain almost all known classical methods. Sufficient conditions for convergence are found.

Geometric integrators for piecewise smooth Hamiltonian systems

Philippe Chartier, Erwan Faou (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we consider C1,1 Hamiltonian systems. We prove the existence of a first derivative of the flow with respect to initial values and show that it satisfies the symplecticity condition almost everywhere in the phase-space. In a second step, we present a geometric integrator for such systems (called the SDH method) based on B-splines interpolation and a splitting method introduced by McLachlan and Quispel [Appl. Numer. Math. 45 (2003) 411–418], and we prove it is convergent, and that...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 385