Advances techniques for the direct, numerical solution of Poisson's equation
An alternating-direction iterative procedure is described for a class of Helmholz-like problems. An algorithm for the selection of the iteration parameters is derived; the parameters are complex with some having positive real part and some negative, reflecting the noncoercivity and nonsymmetry of the finite element or finite difference matrix. Examples are presented, with an applications to wave propagation.
In this work we introduce an accurate solver for the Shallow Water Equations with source terms. This scheme does not need any kind of entropy correction to avoid instabilities near critical points. The scheme also solves the non-homogeneous case, in such a way that all equilibria are computed at least with second order accuracy. We perform several tests for relevant flows showing the performance of our scheme.
In this work we introduce an accurate solver for the Shallow Water Equations with source terms. This scheme does not need any kind of entropy correction to avoid instabilities near critical points. The scheme also solves the non-homogeneous case, in such a way that all equilibria are computed at least with second order accuracy. We perform several tests for relevant flows showing the performance of our scheme.
Patch substructuring methods are non-overlapping domain decomposition methods like classical substructuring methods, but they use information from geometric patches reaching into neighboring subdomains condensated, on the interfaces to enhance the performance of the method, while keeping it non-overlapping. These methods are very convenient to use in practice, but their convergence properties have not been studied yet. We analyze geometric patch substructuring methods for the special case of one...