Geometric Optimization and Dp-Completeness.
Geometric representations of interacting maps.
Geometrical characterization of observability in Interpreted Petri Nets
This work is concerned with observability in Discrete Event Systems (DES) modeled by Interpreted Petri Nets (IPN). Three major contributions are presented. First, a novel geometric characterization of observability based on input-output equivalence relations on the marking sequences sets is presented. Later, to show that this characterization is well posed, it is applied to linear continuous systems, leading to classical characterizations of observability for continuous systems. Finally, this paper...
Géométrie des polynômes. Coût global moyen de la méthode de Newton
Globular realization and cubical underlying homotopy type of time flow of process algebra.
Glueing enriched modules and composition of automata
Good functors... are those preserving philosophy !
Gorenstein polytopes obtained from bipartite graphs.
Gramáticas discriminantes y funciones discriminantes lineales generalizadas.
Las Gramáticas Discriminantes constituyen una aproximación para la clasificación de frases generadas por Gramáticas cuando la presencia de ruidos y distorsiones hace difícil la aplicación de las Técnicas usuales de Análisis Sintáctico. Sin embargo, la formulación original (Filipski 80) presenta una restricción pues las gramáticas características deben ser las mismas para todas las clases. En este trabajo se presenta una solución al problema, mediante la aplicación de una Extensión de las Funciones...
Grammaires algébriques et monoïdes simplifiables
Grammaires parenthésées et bilangages réguliers
Grammatical levels and subgrammars of context-free grammars
Graphes canoniques de graphes algébriques
Graphics card as a cheap supercomputer
The current powerful graphics cards, providing stunning real-time visual effects for computer-based entertainment, have to accommodate powerful hardware components that are able to deliver the photo-realistic simulation to the end-user. Given the vast computing power of the graphics hardware, its producers very often offer a programming interface that makes it possible to use the computational resources of the graphics processors (GPU) to more general purposes. This step gave birth to the so-called...
Groupes automatiques et courbure négative (d'après D.B.A. Epstein)
Gruppoide und boolesche Strukturen