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An evolutionary approach to constraint-regularized learning.

Eyke Hüllermeier, Ingo Renners, Adolf Grauel (2004)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The success of machine learning methods for inducing models from data crucially depends on the proper incorporation of background knowledge about the model to be learned. The idea of constraint-regularized learning is to employ fuzzy set-based modeling techniques in order to express such knowledge in a flexible way, and to formalize it in terms of fuzzy constraints. Thus, background knowledge can be used to appropriately bias the learn ing process within the regularization framework of inductive...

An ILP model for a monotone graded classification problem

Peter Vojtáš, Tomáš Horváth, Stanislav Krajči, Rastislav Lencses (2004)


Motivation for this paper are classification problems in which data can not be clearly divided into positive and negative examples, especially data in which there is a monotone hierarchy (degree, preference) of more or less positive (negative) examples. We present a new formulation of a fuzzy inductive logic programming task in the framework of fuzzy logic in narrow sense. Our construction is based on a syntactical equivalence of fuzzy logic programs FLP and a restricted class of generalised annotated...

Analysis of correlation based dimension reduction methods

Yong Joon Shin, Cheong Hee Park (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Dimension reduction is an important topic in data mining and machine learning. Especially dimension reduction combined with feature fusion is an effective preprocessing step when the data are described by multiple feature sets. Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) and Discriminative Canonical Correlation Analysis (DCCA) are feature fusion methods based on correlation. However, they are different in that DCCA is a supervised method utilizing class label information, while CCA is an unsupervised method....

Ant-based extraction of rules in simple decision systems over ontological graphs

Krzysztof Pancerz, Arkadiusz Lewicki, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In the paper, the problem of extraction of complex decision rules in simple decision systems over ontological graphs is considered. The extracted rules are consistent with the dominance principle similar to that applied in the dominancebased rough set approach (DRSA). In our study, we propose to use a heuristic algorithm, utilizing the ant-based clustering approach, searching the semantic spaces of concepts presented by means of ontological graphs. Concepts included in the semantic spaces are values...

Application of agent-based simulated annealing and tabu search procedures to solving the data reduction problem

Ireneusz Czarnowski, Piotr Jędrzejowicz (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The problem considered concerns data reduction for machine learning. Data reduction aims at deciding which features and instances from the training set should be retained for further use during the learning process. Data reduction results in increased capabilities and generalization properties of the learning model and a shorter time of the learning process. It can also help in scaling up to large data sources. The paper proposes an agent-based data reduction approach with the learning process executed...

Artificial neural networks in time series forecasting: a comparative analysis

Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga, Rodrigo Salas (2002)


Artificial neural networks (ANN) have received a great deal of attention in many fields of engineering and science. Inspired by the study of brain architecture, ANN represent a class of non-linear models capable of learning from data. ANN have been applied in many areas where statistical methods are traditionally employed. They have been used in pattern recognition, classification, prediction and process control. The purpose of this paper is to discuss ANN and compare them to non-linear time series...

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