Excitation of shear waves in a piezoceramic medium with partially electrodized tunnel openings strengthened by a rigid stringer.
The paper is concerned with the dynamical theory of linear piezoelectricity. First, an existence theorem is derived. Then, the continuous dependence of the solutions upon the initial data and body forces is investigated.
The purpose of this paper is to derive and study a new asymptotic model for the equilibrium state of a thin anisotropic piezoelectric plate in frictional contact with a rigid obstacle. In the asymptotic process, the thickness of the piezoelectric plate is driven to zero and the convergence of the unknowns is studied. This leads to two-dimensional Kirchhoff-Love plate equations, in which mechanical displacement and electric potential are partly decoupled. Based on this model numerical examples are presented...
We rigorously establish the existence of the limit homogeneous constitutive law of a piezoelectric composite made of periodically perforated microstructures and whose reference configuration is a thin shell with fixed thickness. We deal with an extension of the Koiter shell model in which the three curvilinear coordinates of the elastic displacement field and the electric potential are coupled. By letting the size of the microstructure going to zero and by using the periodic unfolding method combined...
This expository paper is meant to be a faithful account the invited lecture I gave in Naples on September 14, 1999, during the 16th Congress of U.M.I., the Italian Mathematical Union. In Section 2, I consider the Gilbert equation, the parabolic equation that rules the evolution of the magnetization vector in a rigid ferromagnet. Among the issues I here discuss are the relations of the Gilbert equation to the harmonic map equation and its heat flow, the existence of global-in-time weak solutions,...
The present work aims at proposing a rigorous analysis of the mathematical and numerical modelling of ultrasonic piezoelectric sensors. This includes the well-posedness of the final model, the rigorous justification of the underlying approximation and the design and analysis of numerical methods. More precisely, we first justify mathematically the classical quasi-static approximation that reduces the electric unknowns to a scalar electric potential. We next justify the reduction of the computation...
The present work aims at proposing a rigorous analysis of the mathematical and numerical modelling of ultrasonic piezoelectric sensors. This includes the well-posedness of the final model, the rigorous justification of the underlying approximation and the design and analysis of numerical methods. More precisely, we first justify mathematically the classical quasi-static approximation that reduces the electric unknowns to a scalar electric potential. We next justify the reduction of the computation...
The present work aims at proposing a rigorous analysis of the mathematical and numerical modelling of ultrasonic piezoelectric sensors. This includes the well-posedness of the final model, the rigorous justification of the underlying approximation and the design and analysis of numerical methods. More precisely, we first justify mathematically the classical quasi-static approximation that reduces the electric unknowns to a scalar electric potential. We next justify the reduction of the computation...
In this work, we consider the quasistatic frictionless contact problem between a viscoelastic piezoelectric body and a deformable obstacle. The linear electro-viscoelastic constitutive law is employed to model the piezoelectric material and the normal compliance condition is used to model the contact. The variational formulation is derived in a form of a coupled system for the displacement and electric potential fields. An existence and uniqueness result is recalled. Then, a fully discrete scheme...
In this work, the quasistatic thermoviscoelastic thermistor problem is considered. The thermistor model describes the combination of the effects due to the heat, electrical current conduction and Joule's heat generation. The variational formulation leads to a coupled system of nonlinear variational equations for which the existence of a weak solution is recalled. Then, a fully discrete algorithm is introduced based on the finite element method to approximate the spatial variable and an Euler scheme...
A conceptual numerical strategy for rate-independent processes in the energetic formulation is proposed and its convergence is proved under various rather mild data qualifications. The novelty is that we obtain convergence of subsequences of space-time discretizations even in case where the limit problem does not have a unique solution and we need no additional assumptions on higher regularity of the limit solution. The variety of general perspectives thus obtained is illustrated on several...