Displaying 21 – 40 of 84

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A parallel algorithm for two phase multicomponent contaminant transport

Todd Arbogast, Clint N. Dawson, Mary F. Wheeler (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

We discuss the formulation of a simulator in three spatial dimensions for a multicomponent, two phase (air, water) system of groundwater flow and transport with biodegradation kinetics and wells with multiple screens. The simulator has been developed for parallel, distributed memory, message passing machines. The numerical procedures employed are a fully implicit expanded mixed finite element method for flow and either a characteristics-mixed method or a Godunov method for transport and reactions...

A second-order multi-fluid model for evaporating sprays

Guillaume Dufour, Philippe Villedieu (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The aim of this paper is to present a method using both the ideas of sectional approach and moment methods in order to accurately simulate evaporation phenomena in gas-droplets flows. Using the underlying kinetic interpretation of the sectional method [Y. Tambour, Combust. Flame 60 (1985) 15–28] exposed in [F. Laurent and M. Massot, Combust. Theory Model. 5 (2001) 537–572], we propose an extension of this approach based on a more accurate representation of the droplet size number density in each...

A second-order multi-fluid model for evaporating sprays

Guillaume Dufour, Philippe Villedieu (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The aim of this paper is to present a method using both the ideas of sectional approach and moment methods in order to accurately simulate evaporation phenomena in gas-droplets flows. Using the underlying kinetic interpretation of the sectional method [Y. Tambour, Combust. Flame60 (1985) 15–28] exposed in [F. Laurent and M. Massot, Combust. Theory Model.5 (2001) 537–572], we propose an extension of this approach based on a more accurate representation of the droplet size number density in each...

A solution of nonlinear diffusion problems by semilinear reaction-diffusion systems

Hideki Murakawa (2009)


This paper deals with nonlinear diffusion problems involving degenerate parabolic problems, such as the Stefan problem and the porous medium equation, and cross-diffusion systems in population ecology. The degeneracy of the diffusion and the effect of cross-diffusion, that is, nonlinearities of the diffusion, complicate its analysis. In order to avoid the nonlinearities, we propose a reaction-diffusion system with solutions that approximate those of the nonlinear diffusion problems. The reaction-diffusion...

A Survey on Mathematical Modelling of Deposition in Waxy Crude Oils

A. Fasano, L. Fusi, S. Correra, M. Margarone (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Waxy Crude Oils (WCO’s) are characterized by the presence of heavy paraffins in sufficiently large concentrations. They exhibit quite complex thermodynamical and rheological behaviour and present the peculiar property of giving rise to the formation of segregated wax deposits, when temperature falls down the so called WAT, or Wax Appearance Temperature. In extreme cases, segregated waxes may lead to pipeline occlusion due to deposition on cold walls....

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 84