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Natural quantum operational semantics with predicates

Marek Sawerwain, Roman Gielerak (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A general definition of a quantum predicate and quantum labelled transition systems for finite quantum computation systems is presented. The notion of a quantum predicate as a positive operator-valued measure is developed. The main results of this paper are a theorem about the existence of generalised predicates for quantum programs defined as completely positive maps and a theorem about the existence of a GSOS format for quantum labelled transition systems. The first theorem is a slight generalisation...

New operations on partial Abelian monoids defined by preideals

Elena Vinceková (2008)


We consider partial abelian monoids, in particular generalized effect algebras. From the given structures, we construct new ones by introducing a new operation , which is given by restriction of the original partial operation + with respect to a special subset called preideal. We bring some derived properties and characterizations of these new built structures, supporting the results by illustrative examples.

Noise effects in the quantum search algorithm from the viewpoint of computational complexity

Piotr Gawron, Jerzy Klamka, Ryszard Winiarczyk (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We analyse the resilience of the quantum search algorithm in the presence of quantum noise modelled as trace preserving completely positive maps. We study the influence of noise on the computational complexity of the quantum search algorithm. We show that it is only for small amounts of noise that the quantum search algorithm is still more efficient than any classical algorithm.

Nonlinear Dirac equations.

Ng, Wei Khim, Parwani, Rajesh R. (2009)

SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications [electronic only]

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