Tensor products of sequential effect algebras
Effect algebras are very natural logical structures as carriers of probabilities and states. They were introduced for modeling of sets of propositions, properties, questions, or events with fuzziness, uncertainty or unsharpness. Nevertheless, there are effect algebras without any state, and questions about the existence (for non-modular) are still unanswered. We show that every Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebra with at most five blocks (maximal MV-subalgebras) has at least one state, which...
We extend the notion of the exocenter of a generalized effect algebra (GEA) to a generalized pseudoeffect algebra (GPEA) and show that elements of the exocenter are in one-to-one correspondence with direct decompositions of the GPEA; thus the exocenter is a generalization of the center of a pseudoeffect algebra (PEA). The exocenter forms a boolean algebra and the central elements of the GPEA correspond to elements of a sublattice of the exocenter which forms a generalized boolean algebra. We extend...
We generalize the theory of positive diagonal scalings of real positive definite matrices to complex diagonal scalings of complex positive definite matrices. A matrix A is a diagonal scaling of a positive definite matrix M if there exists an invertible complex diagonal matrix D such that A = D*MD and where every row and every column of A sums to one. We look at some of the key properties of complex diagonal scalings and we conjecture that every n by n positive definite matrix has at most 2n−1 scalings...
This paper investigates one possible model of reversible computations, an important paradigm in the context of quantum computing. Introduced by Bennett, a reversible pebble game is an abstraction of reversible computation that allows to examine the space and time complexity of various classes of problems. We present a technique for proving lower and upper bounds on time and space complexity for several types of graphs. Using this technique we show that the time needed to achieve optimal space for...
This paper investigates one possible model of reversible computations, an important paradigm in the context of quantum computing. Introduced by Bennett, a reversible pebble game is an abstraction of reversible computation that allows to examine the space and time complexity of various classes of problems. We present a technique for proving lower and upper bounds on time and space complexity for several types of graphs. Using this technique we show that the time needed to achieve optimal space for...