Maps into and applications
We show positivity of the Q-matrix of four kinds of graph products: direct product (Cartesian product), star product, comb product, and free product. During the discussion we give an alternative simple proof of the Markov product theorem on positive definite kernels.
In this paper we introduce a new concept of generalized solutions generalizing the notion of relaxed solutions recently introduced by Fattorini. We present some results on the question of existence of generalized or measure valued solutions for semilinear evolution equations on Banach spaces with polynomial nonlinearities. The results are illustrated by two examples one of which arises in nonlinear quantum mechanics. The results are then applied to some control problems.
Classical Bargmann’s representation is given by operators acting on the space of holomorphic functions with scalar product . We consider the problem of representing the functional F as a measure. We prove the existence of such a measure for q > 1 and investigate some of its properties like uniqueness and radiality.